

After up to ten languages met on stage during the last productions, the Kula Compagnie’s latest production “The hour we knew nothing of each other” explores a public space in which people do not yet speak, do not yet speak again, or do no longer speak. 12 actors from six countries navigate a space in the temporal in-between, a space in which a European agora is reconstituted. In the Alpine-Adriatic region with its turbulent history of changing borders, the KULA Compagnie goes into the text of Peter Handke, the Austrian author from Griffen, Carinthia, and follows the idea of Peter Handke to make his own text disappear in a wordless theatre play.

Christmas is almost here, and Nora is in the holiday spirit. She has lovely children and a thoughtful, affectionate husband, Helmut. Helmut's business is flourishing. One day, however, Helmut's men come to visit Nora and reveal her deepest secrets. Nora begins to realize that she has been treated like a doll by her husband, and she decides to get rid of this control. This great social play by “the father of realism” Henrik Johan Ibsen had a large impact on the global feminist movement. MIYAGI Satoshi, the director, boldly changed the setting of the play from Europe to Japan in 1935. The innovative interpretation is certainly worth witnessing in the theatre.

Since birth, Oskar Matzerath rejects the world and views it as a disaster. He refuses to grow up, instead choosing to watch and play the drums. Oskar narrates the development of fascism and Nazi ideals from his perspective, witnessing adultery and attending a Nazi rally. He becomes an observer and a participant in a world where civilizational collapse and genocide are both possible. For all time of his life, Nobel Prize winner Günther Grass has felt not guilty but responsible for the crimes that have been committed in the name of the German people. The Tin Drum is also an attempt to make the mechanisms of the own seduction transparent. Despite all controversies around the novel and the author, this text stands
for a milestone in German post-war literature. Director Oliver Reese has adapted the original version by telling the story of the eternal drummer from the perspective of the main character played in a solo by the actor Nico Holonics.

Director Claire Dancoisne loves small animals, especially insects. How could she miss Kafka's masterpiece “The Metamorphosis” then? The protagonist of this famous novel comes from a traditional and respectable family, but he is transformed into a large and disgusting cockroach. Inspired by Marquez, Craig, Kanter, and Tarantino, Claire Dancoisne created the play "BasiK InseKte" based on "The Metamorphosis", a fantastical noir fable full of disturbing characters, humor, and fantasy in the form of a Machiavellian thriller. Tragic, grotesque - turning into a cockroach is not necessarily a glorious metamorphosis, even if the idea would make Kafka laugh. This almost corrosive and irrational creation would be a theatrical invention of pure baroque fantasy, mixed with an infinitely evil but delightful absurdity.

Women workers in the weaving mills leave the machines for exercise every two hours because they must stay fit. The miner who receives a paycheck goes to the store and the bank to pay off his debts and then uses his next paycheck to pay off his next debt. The ballerina never complains about the demands of difficult moves because that is, after all, her job. The woman who cleans the house and enjoys her only break because she can get a cigarette, she won't even smoke. The play " Nothing About Us Without Us " tells the story of neglected, invisible people who are generally manual laborers. At the same time, the play asks: How should we respond to the powerlessness that comes from life? How do we find our own subjectivity?

One classic, three characters, 100 minutes! Best Broadway show of 2010! Seven Tony Award nominations! Six Tony Awards! A fascinating dialogue between the master of abstract painting, Mark Rothko, and the young artist who killed him! The host says, "What's above absolute art?" The pretentious Rothko says: "To give those rich bastards no appetite!"
The young artist says: "You don't lack money or fame, so why should you let your great and sacred art become an ornament for the luxury hotels?" The host says: "The child must kill the father, respect him but also destroy him!" This new work "Red" is closely related to the present and is a bold experiment made in the form of a theatrical karaoke. The newly added characters either hate themselves or continue their self-discovery journey. Young artists are invited one per scene, to improvise and participate. An old male lion still roars, but it doesn't help. As the director, he can only keep on speaking in front of his own work. The sky-high price reveals the truth of the artist's creative exhaustion. Three virtual people with different identities recklessly rush onto the stage which is situated in a white auditorium where a celebration of death takes place. Now, please start watching how artist breaks out of their creativity dilemma in light of commercialization.

He has two daughters who are tough to deal with. The elder daughter was frustrated by her husband's drinking problem and jealousy. The younger one challenges him for her affection. What should he do next? No one can determine how much love goes into a kiss in the maze of love. Is it fate or a ruse? Is it destiny or a trick? Melody and love poems filled the endless days. Finally, the darkness took away the endless laughter, and the dawn refilled the goblet of life with wine.

A Man Who Flies Up to the Sky II is a piece of theatre work composed of “moments of life”. Those moments, that linger in our mind day after day, are long, intimate, or dramatic because it has been unconsciously tampered with by us. They originate from our observations, memories, readings, or dreams about life. From any perspective, these moments are likely to be left as fragments in the narrative about the collective memory of an era. A Man Who Flies Up to the Sky II is a history of private life, but also about our collective memory, our pain, and love.

Romantic, the Ballet Gala by the National Ballet of China, will hold its debut on the stage of the Aranya Theater Festival, which will show you the renowned choreographer George Balanchine's classic Serenade, the Second Movement of NBC’s first original symphonic ballet Inspiration and Glory, the modern work Sacrifice and the Fourth Movement of the symphonic ballet The Yellow River. The wonderful performance will surely bring the unique romance of ballet art to the audience of Aranya…

本剧以诗人亚瑟·布鲁克的长诗 《罗密欧与朱丽叶悲剧历史》为文本,以莎士比亚著名悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》为情感底色。黎明时的阿那亚海边,一场迟到645年的迷幻葬礼即将举行。这是为了忘却的爱情的祭祀,用身体在沙滩上给朱丽叶写的信。
In the city of Verona, Italy, there is a pair of love stars. They were born in ancient times and were celebrated by the wonderful writing of a literary giant. Letters sent to Juliet from all over the world record centuries of sorrow and joy. The dawn will come, and those who follow them come in droves ......The play is based on the long poem "The Tragic History of Romeo and Juliet" by poet Arthur Brooke, with the famous Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet" as the emotional undertones. At dawn, on the shores of Aranya, a psychedelic funeral, been late for 645 years, is about to take place. It is a sacrifice for a forgotten love, a letter written with the body to Juliet on the beach. Before the sunrise, we can only wait. Will Romeo and Juliet finally come to the beach? What is the truth of this tragedy, the eternity of love, or a conspiracy at the cost of life?

Hedda Gabler learned that if everything is fine on the outside, then everything is fine. Status, money, comfort. The attractive and exciting, almost perfect woman's inner self is full of dark tones, secrets, manipulation, selfishness, fear, and repression. When an ex-love unexpectedly stumbles into her life, the ice begins to crack on the vulnerable surface of the feigned maximalism. The circular dance of the moth-like figures turns into a chaotic thrashing with the sway of Hedda. Underneath the representative outer layers, we can see irregular but much more real faces.

The play begins with the young lovers opposed to the social and familial order and unfurls in the traditional way, with weddings and the resolution of all conflicts. We found it complicated to defend this structure today, mainly because of the feminine character’s trajectory, who are often the ones who suffer rather than those who take things in their hands and act. That is why we took some liberties, whilst maintaining the codes of comedy and keeping as close as possible to the Shakespearean language, to give back the stolen speech to the feminine characters.

On a snowy day, the adults go out to work as usual, and our young protagonist plays alone at home. Suddenly, she gets the idea to leave home to visit her grandma, so a fantasy and romantic adventure starts from there. She gets on a bus, gets lost in the forest, keeps company with a moose, flies into the sky, and travels through the heavens. She meets more friends and even ventures into the belly of a whale. The mystery of nature allows the child to experience curiosity, fear, joy, and emotion, her feelings become abundant and her curiosity is satisfied. Finally, she returns to the warm embrace of her mother and completes the fantastical journey.

“Control Freak” is a solo show synthesizing circus art, live music, humor, and cutting-edge technology. An interesting character appears on stage who is completely socially inept but still interacts with the audience in awkward and playful ways, struggling with complex relationships on stage.

Three imaginary characters, inspired by the collection "Náufragos Huecos" by sculptor Eduardo Cuadrado, with eternal desires for health, fortune, and love, tell us about winning and losing.

Misericordia is a contemporary tale. It tells of the fragility of women and their desperate and limitless solitude. Emma Dante presents her new play, with which she returns to the Piccolo. This is the story of Anna, Nuzza, and Bettina, who knit during the day and sell themselves at night, and the poor disabled orphan who lives with them.The plot tells the story of three prostitutes and a disabled boy called Artuto who lives with them in a filthy and miserable one-room hotel. During the day, the women knit shawls, and after sunset, they sit at the entrance to their house and offer their decrepit bodies to passers-by. There are worlds where women are condemned to fight if they want to survive, to fight with everything they must emerge from the squalor and degradation that society appears to have relegated them to.

The wilds, the fields, the villages, the towns, and the cities,
Like life, are but clouds of dreams in motion.
Amidst the endless sea of urban sprawl,
Flow countless free spirits—
They pursue like saints; strive like laborers,
At sunrise, they dash through the race of time,
At starlight gleams, they wander through the gate of dreams.
They shape and support towering city edifices,
But the city is not their home,
Merely stations for transient lives,
They are clouds traversing the urban sky……
"Whispers of Clouds" is an immersive dance prose poem,
When the choreographer confronts the journey of life in this era,
Seeking to unlock the mystery box of modern existence,
Awakening life and allowing every true self to venture,
Through stories and emotions, towards a future of freedom.
"Cloud" —
It's sentiment, poetry in hardship and distant horizons.
It's mission, beauty, and direction amid struggle.
It's ethereal realms, love, and wisdom in the digits.
It's dreamland, moonlight, and stars shine in the embrace of happiness.
In a world where reality, life, and digital intelligence merge,
We stroll through the clouds,
Together, we behold the landscapes of life,
Together, we create dreams of boundless earth…

Disordered limb fragments, moaning into the black hole, and escaping into the realm of lostness.
The toes of the statues of the gods are scattered, cutting the world with pain.
The abandoned ritual hangs in the air, echoing.
The big other is not willing to leave at this point, everything will be rewritten:
Pleasure must be sacrificed under the altar.
During the oral stage, the body is detected, and the fatigue and emptiness are also felt;
People completed a revolution in their WeChat moments - how similar is this to what happened in theaters destroyed by artillery fire?
*The last toe, the human foot's little toe, is metaphorically used to represent our relationship with the world.
2022, the difficulty of masks is gone in the past.
2023, when "end toes" grow into "X toes".

Inspired by American writer William Faulkner's novel ‘A Rose for Emily’, a woman grows up in a twisted, deformed environment, and chooses eternity in the face of possible changing love and eternal death. The play presents a deformed society from a woman's perspective in a magical reality, mourning a woman who is squeezed by various social relationships until she dies, which is a history of the demise of modern women.

"Ming Ming" is a physical theater work, an artistic synthesis of body, material installation, multimedia video, and sound elements. Its meaning refers to the concept of 'when I enter the dream, I am originally desire'. At midnight, the physical body out of thin air no longer mixes with thoughts, and the world of the dreamer starts from this moment. A silvery Buddha is writhing on the ground; the German woman on the 19th floor throws bundles of plantains out of the window; the pink crowd cuts itself with a razor blade; the sea whale that swallowed him is in its twilight years. "Ming Ming" is inspired by more than three hundred dreams recorded by the creator himself over the past nine years, totaling more than thirty-five thousand words. The desire for extreme pleasure only results in being buried in the daytime; the night gives space for the mirth to become a visualized fragment. Room, fear, repetition, family, you, and I suffocate in dreams and enjoy in dreams. Real, unreal, the performer melts everything intimate into a dream, inviting you into this weightless orgy. At midnight when I fall asleep in my dream, I am supposed to enjoy my desire to live. This is everything about "Ming Ming", and everything about you.

The stage is a canvas for four entities: a musician who seamlessly shifts between classical and electronic oud, creating aural landscapes that are both harmonious and unsettling. A soprano who moves and sings with a ghostly presence, embodying the imaginary in the real. And two dancers whose movements create a counterpoint of energies, in which the tensions between them resolve into a common breath

本作以女孩们躺在床上用手机打发时间的平凡场景开始,直播、换装cosplay等随心所欲,她们沉浸在虚拟世界同时也在现实世界中,慢慢地和观众席的界限也变得暧昧。作品的标题“Here Is the Message You Asked For…Don’t Tell Anyone Else ;-)”取自曾经在全球范围内扩散的“Melissa”计算机病毒所发送的病毒邮件。这是一个虚拟逐渐侵蚀现实,象征现代社会的话题舞台。
Internet, Mobile, Cosplay, Live Streaming ......
China is mirrored by the border between reality and the virtual.
It begins with a mundane scene of girls lying in bed and passing time on their mobile phones, live-streaming, and cosplaying as they wish, immersing themselves in the virtual world as well as the real one, and slowly the boundaries between them and the audience become ambiguous. The title of the work "Here Is the Message You Asked For...Don't Tell Anyone Else ;-)" is taken from the "Melissa" computer game that has proliferated around the world. "The title 'Here Is the Message You Asked For...Don't Tell Anyone Else;-)' is taken from a viral email sent by the 'Melissa' computer virus that has spread worldwide. It is a theatre where the virtual gradually encroaches on the real, symbolizing modern society.

“The Story of Chess” is based on the last novella of the same name that was released by Stefan Zweig before his death. It tells that a chess world champion "Chindovic" who has shown amazing talent since childhood was defeated by a mysterious passenger among the crowd on an ocean liner, and this mysterious passenger is indeed an ordinary person, even unfamiliar with chess. Because of an abnormal experience, he was able to easily defeat the world champion. Of course, this mysterious ordinary person will never return to the normal spiritual world as a truly ordinary person.

艾娃·莱恩(Eve Leigh)的自传性作品《午夜电影》聚焦一个深受慢性疼痛困扰的年轻女性。在多少个不眠之夜,她孤独地在互联网上游荡,试图靠点击一个个网页、阅读一个又一个故事来逃避现实。在剧中,编剧巧妙地将对自身病情的描述与来自多家网络论坛的故事结合在了一起。《午夜电影》以敏锐而富有诗意的文字,也关注到了那些通常缺席于戏剧剧场的人。
Eve Leigh's autobiographical work Midnight Movie focuses on a young woman suffering from chronic pain. For many sleepless nights, she wanders the Internet alone, trying to escape reality by clicking through page after page and reading story after story. In the play, the screenwriter cleverly combines descriptions of her condition with stories from several online forums. With perceptive and poetic writing, Midnight Movie also focuses on those who are usually absent from the theatre of drama.

Read Sing Eileen Chang features texts from Eileen Chang’s novels and essays, presented through storytelling and singing, which are then integrated with stage technology by Zuni Innovation Lab led by Mathias Woo. The writings of Eileen Chang become three-dimensional as a Hong Kong cum cross-strait team of musicians and performers engage in a creative experiment on sound, acting, and technology. The show combines technology and live performance, blending a variety of traditional and modern forms of storytelling and singing, which are juxtaposed with sounds and images from Zuni’s past works on Eileen Chang to create a new piece of work.


13位导演,16个剧场,23部剧本,47场环境戏剧朗读,4500位观众……在不设限的自然公共环境中,集戏剧创作、文本理解、环境感知、情境朗读、概念传达 、观演共鸣于一体,切磋戏剧的表达与想象,收获截然不同、身在其中的观剧体验。

There are only two self-accusers in “Self-accusation" and no dramatic characters in the traditional sense. The two characters stand on an empty stage and speak of their offenses from beginning to end, with no scenario, no dialogue, only alternating voices.

Central Park West is in the bustling area of New York City, home to many middle-class people. This one-act play focuses on the awkwardness of middle-class marital life in New York. Psychiatrist Phyllis' husband Sam is in love with someone else and he is planning to divorce Phyllis. When Phyllis complains to her best friend Carol, she accidentally discovers, the woman he left everything to follow, Juliette, was a former misogynist. Carol that is not in the state of Howard in their world, surprisingly wants to compete with Sam Juliette, so in a chaotic scuffle, the mentally stimulated Juliette picked up a German-made Luger gun and shot at Sam...

"Twenty-four Hours in the Life of a Woman" is one of Zweig's masterpieces, on par with "A Letter from an Unknown Woman". The heroine of the story. At the age of forty, out of a lofty sentiment, she went to save a gambler she had never met before. However, due to her momentary passion, she sacrificed herself for someone she didn't know the name of, and within the next 24 hours, she ushered in an unforgettable ending.

"Jacques and His Master" is a theatrical masterpiece by Milan Kundera, adapted from Denis Diderot's novel. The story follows Jacques and his master as they debate and reflect on popular topics of the time and tell humorous stories. The overwhelming themes, endless interludes, and off-topic discussions make the plot complex and enjoyable to read.

"We Are Doing Fine" is a novel by Sibylle Berg, published in 2018. The book tells the story of a group of people living in a dystopian future where society has collapsed, and technology has taken over all aspects of life. The characters are struggling to find meaning and connection in this sterile and dehumanized world.

The drama "Bald Singer" depicts a typical middle-class British couple and their friend, another typical middle-class British couple, in a boring conversation. The play completely broke the traditional theatrical model and caused a sensation in an anti-theatrical form.

“Death and the Maiden” is a mini-drama. It is an example of Jellinek's "dangerous" texts, and its genre is somewhere between that of a middle-grade novel and a collection of plays. It takes the title from Schubert's famous song, with Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Rosamund, Jacqueline Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Sylvia Plath, Ingeborg Bachmann, and Princess Diana as its protagonists, and uses Heidegger, Roland Barthes, the Brothers Grimm, Helmut Hormel, and the other characters. -It opens a three-dimensional world of discernment behind difficult words and brings a shocking artistic resonance with an abstract reading experience.

A lonely man drank wine, and because his loneliness was unbearable, he told on the stage the frustrations he suffered. He kept telling it repeatedly, and what he said changed, was exaggerated, and was distorted. He was penniless and alone. He spoke about everything - in a hurry -, about the rain that had soaked him to the skin, about his life, his thoughts, his lost love, the two hooligans who had just beaten him to death and robbed him of his money, about his view of the world, and especially his extreme need for a room for the night ......

A man's apartment is suddenly filled with neighborly strangers. With their kind attitude and gentle words, they invaded the space of the man's life. Under the excessive loyalty and the hard sell of friendship, the man gradually changed from resistance to a dog under the blind trust. This group of strangers who occupy men's rooms and call themselves friends always stand in the position of the victim, while the man is placed in the position of the perpetrator. Friends are like spider silk, which makes people anxious and suffocating.

The witches told Macbeth some prophecies and cryptic words that he would be crowned king, but he had no heir to the throne. Macbeth, an ambitious hero, is encouraged by his wife to murder Duncan and become king. To cover his tracks and prevent others from seizing the throne, he step by step kills Duncan's guards, Banquo, and the wife and children of the nobleman Macduff. Fear and suspicion made Macbeth's heart more and more haunted and cold. Lady Macbeth's nervous disorder and suicide were also a great stimulus to him. In the midst of the rebellion, Macbeth faced the siege of Duncan's son and the English reinforcements he invited and ended up curling up.

In this version of Hamlet, the two insignificant characters, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, become the protagonists. They are clueless individuals who unknowingly execute the king's plot to kill the prince and are led to their deaths. The play showcases the end of these small characters in a funny and tragic manner, which is a modern interpretation of the prince’s revenge story.

“Idlaflickorna” is a one-act play about an hour long. Two women have come to a lakeside resort on vacation, according to them, it's probably Lake Garda in Italy. It seems that they never came across each other earlier. They start chatting, and a confusing picture of the fate of these two women, and a glimpse of a husband and a daughter are gradually revealed.

Written by Howard Barker, the famous English playwright, poet, and painter, in 1984. The original title was "Scenes from an Execution". The play depicts a Venetian painter commissioned by the Venetian powers that be to paint a huge painting in praise of the victory of the Battle of Lepanto (1571), but the artist, who lives a life of debauchery and independence, decides to use the opportunity to paint a work that better expresses the true brutality of war. This is how the conflict unfolds.

Adapted from Kafka's novel: In the castle's tavern, where Kafka's characters spend their time every day, they are the hunger Artist, the salesman Grigor Samsa, K, the keeper, and the commander...... Today, the tavern patrons witness a murder, caused by a steamy affair between the new land surveyor and the tavern hostess Frida.

The story is about a girl who is bound to an isolated farm and lives a programmed life. During the day she works on the farm, and at night she sits on the porch. In order to escape from her parents' discipline, strict routine, and extreme depression and loneliness, Avery plots a murder so that she can free herself from her "prison".

Leon Engler made a bold narrative attempt in "The Name of Animals": an overweight food inspector stepped on a piece of liver and intestines bread, accidentally slipped and fell helplessly onto the subway track, but was mistakenly regarded as a sacred whale by people, in order to help everyone overcome the ocean of sadness and embrace a happy life only by rescuing him. Engler successfully created an imaginative absurd comedy with the help of this scene setting.

It is a quiet park; a Sunday afternoon in summer; the present. Peter was alone on a bench to avoid the annoyance from his wife, two daughters, two parakeets, and cats. Jerry broke the silence. He wanted to tell Peter about what happened at the zoo. Peter refused to listen while Jerry was insisted on speaking. Jerry didn't say what he saw in the zoo for a long time, but Peter's attitude and emotions gradually changed.

Before she died, Art Bubiczek wanted her family to attend her funeral. In order to fulfill this wish she started a series of crazy actions. At the same time, Shuratsiya's (Art's sister) family is preparing for their daughter's wedding. So, on the night that Art's son finds them, the Shuratsiya family embarks on a bizarre "escape". Everyone runs together to a wedding, and finally, everyone reunites at the funeral ......

The Importance of Being Earnest is Oscar Wilde’s comedies. The characters’ confusing identities , which leads to misunderstandings and coincidences. While there is a happy ending for everyone after starting it as a fake show.

Reluctant to be born, Hiram uses the game of the moving house to turn all the adults in the steppe into children to rescue his brother Hongul from being born into the world.
Reluctant to grow up, Hongul uses a game of hide-and-seek to make half the people on the grassland hide while the other half goes in search of his brother.
And King Hari, who rules the kingdom of Rama in his mother's womb, makes it all his dream with the dreaming dream game, and in his dream, he makes people see the real-world creator of Bemba: The Epic Singer Qi.

“Baal” is the first play written by Bertolt Brecht in 1918, one can see a strong expressionism inclination in this piece. In the summer quarter of 1919, Brecht studied Andreas Tom's popular novel "Ambrose Maria Baal," he found out what he needed to create Baal from his perspective. This classic anti-hero play tells the story of how a talented young poet, Baal, faces his damnation.

In the middle of nowhere, a woman could not move with half of her body on the earth. The ringing of the bell is the absolute will of her life. Even being buried in the mound, the daily routine of her life repeats day and night unimpeded. Her days pass in the repetition of the ringing of the bell. One day, the earth of the mound raises to her neck. The bell still rings on time, and the woman's life continues as always. As long as the bell rings, the days remain beautiful days.

Kane is a unique presence in contemporary British theatre. As a leading figure in "in-your-face" theatre, she portrays the repression of young people in British society in the most dispassionate manner. With scalpel-like strokes, she sculpts the conflict between the straightforward vision and reality of the human heart. Throughout, her frank confessions silently reveal the fissures of high mental pressure and extreme spiritual emptiness that accumulate over time.


2023 年 6 月 12 日 - 6 月 25 日, 在阿那亚的海边,候鸟 300 二零二三再次发生。候鸟 300 以“候鸟” 作喻, 汇聚 300 位不同领域、不同背景的创作者来到阿那亚, 在海边共同栖居、共同创作 300 个小时。 这场最具开创性、最多元化、持续创作时间最长的公共艺术项目, 由刘畅、朱砂、郑靖和陈明昊联合发起。在阿那亚戏剧节中,候鸟300 是最浪漫、最具想象力、最野蛮生长的存在,是一场 300 人、300 小时不间断的创作马拉松。



戏剧房子是阿那亚戏剧 节跨界艺术板块的重要单元,由阿那亚戏剧节艺术总监陈明昊发起,建筑师梁琛共同策划,邀请来自文学、哲学、音乐、美术、戏剧、电影、社会学、时尚等各个领域的艺术家,在阿那亚不同的场域搭建以经典戏剧为名的建筑空间。2021年,戏剧房子在阿那亚戏剧节上惊艳亮相,15座以经典戏剧命名的戏剧房子,在海边创造了一个独特的艺术场域。2023年,随着全新的阿那亚戏剧节即将起航,我们将围绕“海市蜃楼”这一主题,延续戏剧房子的里程,13+1处海边幻境,13+1种场所精神,我们期待和你一起,身临其境。


Uma Wang















Philip Tinari(田霏宇,美国)UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心馆长
Chris Labrooy(克里斯·拉布罗伊,英国)艺术家
Benedict Radcliffe (本尼迪克特·拉德克利夫,英国)

李建军 / 丁⼀滕 / 张杨 / 杨婷

马岩松 / 张佳晶 / 董功 / 马寅

Young Director Summit