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About Aranya 

aranya, a word derived from Sanskrit, refers to " a quiet, secluded place where you can recover your true self ". Based in Beidaihe New District, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, aranya develops itself into a lifestyle brand, featured by beautiful natural environment and cultural space, profound emotional value and spiritual connotation. " Life Can Be Better " is aranya's unique brand concept, which encourages people to conduct a series of community practices to pursue " A Better Life ".

Today, aranya has transitioned from a cultural tourism real estate brand to a lifestyle brand. In the future, it will continue to move forward into a cultural brand with people-oriented cultures, and provide more improved life solutions for more people.


​Aranya Theater Festival

Aranya Theater Festival eliminates the boundaries of art with the most diverse, contemporary, open, inclusive and forms, where hundreds of artists from drama, literature, music, dance, architecture and other fields co-create and coexist, creating a unique ocean of art. Here, theatre is no longer a symbol of cultural consumption, but a platform and a way of connection, a core force for building contemporary spiritual life.

  • Organising Committee

    Members of the Artistic Committee

    Meng Jinghui, Zhang Ziyi, and Chen Minghao together are titled as artistic directors.

    The Artistic Committee of the festival is composed of working professionals from various fields such as theater, film, academia, architecture, music, literature, painting, video, dance, design, etc. They are Cui Jian, Cheng Er, Dong Gong, Duan Yihong, Guan Hu, Hao Lei, Jin Xing, Jia Zhangke, Liu Chang, Liao Fan, Lao Wolf, Lv Xioping, Ma Dong, Ma Yansong, Shen Lihui, Wang Luodan, Wang Xuebing, Wang Xiaoshuai, Xichuan, Xu Zhiyuan, Yao Chen, Yuan Quan, Zeng Zeng, Yao Chen, Yuan Quan, Zeng Yu, Zhang Wu, Zhang Yang, Zhang Yadong, and Zhu Sha.

    ​Jian Cui

    Er Cheng

    Gong Dong

    Yihong Duan

    Hu Guan

    Jingpeng Guan

    Lei Hao

    Xing Jin

    Chang Liu

    Fan Liao

    Lang Lao

    Xiaoping Lv

    Yansong Ma

    Lihui Shen

    Luodan Wang

    Xuebing Wang

    Xiaoshuai Wang

    Chuan Xi

    Zhiuyuan Xu

    Quan Yuan

    Chen Yao

    Yu Zeng

    Wu Zhang

    Yang Zhang

    Yadong Zhang

    Sha Zhu

    Zhangke Jia

    Dong Ma


    Yin Ma

    Founder of Anaya

    Art Director

    Jinghui Meng


    Art Director

    Ziyi Zhang


    Art Director

    Minghao Chen

    Actor / Director

    Art Curation

    Chang Liu


    Art Curation

    Ting Yang


  • Theater A

    The letter A in Theater A stands for many words such as "action", "ability", and "amour" because it showcases a constant strive for higher goals. Theater A is a modern and flexible space that can accommodate a variety of performance styles. Its spacious design allows for traditional theater layouts, as well as immersive, four-sided stages. This flexibility gives artists the freedom to explore new possibilities and experiment with different forms of expression.

    White Theater

    The White Theater is an outdoor theater that lies outside the Aranya Community Hall. The Aranya Community Hall by the sea is not simply a meditation space but a cultural and art space imbued with a profound sense of ritual. This landmark architecture provides a setting for theater performances due to its spaciousness that endow our audiences a refreshing viewing experience.

    Beehive Theater

    The Aranya Beehive Theater is black in color, with sharp edges and a sense of hardcore avant-garde taste. The theatrical power here surges inexhaustibly and merges with the flow of life. Artists in this dynamic and inspiring environment are empowered to fearlessly move forward and embrace the future.

    Theater Dionysus

    Just like the form of the ancient Greek theater, the circular stage and semi-enclosed audience seating are its most signature features. The Theater Dionysus is an open-air theater that breaks the enclosure of the theatrical stage in an open manner. Facing the sea, the semi-circular building posture is not only a tribute to ancient Greek theater, but also a new starting point for the spirit of Dionysus in contemporary times. The exquisite cut coral fossils on the seabed, with speckled patterns left on them, are not only the tuning forks of the sea, but also the traces of its past.

    Yinlu Theater

    The Yinlu Theater is one of the new theaters this year, located in the banquet hall of the Yinlu Hotel. The Aranya Yinlu Hotel, designed to possess the stunning sea view and offers a minimalist and simple lifestyle. Here, we will explore the multiple ways in which performance, viewing, and space interact and create new experiences for audiences.

    MA Theater

    "A horse is like a mirror that sharply reflects the human heart." Performance held in the spacious MA Theater is destined to showcase dialogues between free souls. Here, the horse plays a role in an act as much as it functions as one of the audiences watching the performance from the outer perspective. 

    Out Library Theater

    Outside the Lonely Library, between the sea and the architectures, stands the very unique Out Library Theater. The stage extends along the coastline, and the performances at the Out Library Theater will push the boundaries of imagination and form, providing a unique and unforgettable experience.

    Seaside Theater

    Standing tall on the beach, the Seaside Theater is a stunning and unique space for performance. With the sea as its backdrop, it creates a magical and unforgettable experience.” This captures the same essence of the description, but in a more concise and impactful way.

    Dune Theater

    The Dune Art Museum is an incredible space that combines the natural beauty of the dunes with the human-made elements of the building. The three outdoor exhibition halls face the sea and resemble three ‘big pits.’ This creates a unique and unforgettable experience for the audience.

    Office Theater

    The Office Theater is a new type of theater that combines the everyday environment of the office with the world of theater. This creates a unique and immersive experience for the audience, allowing them to feel more connected to the story and the characters.

    Tent Theater

    The tent is an essential element of camping. Just like camping, it's the right time away from the city's noise, listening to the birds and insects around, feeling the freedom in the wind, and spending some carefree time here. The Tent Theater is one of the recently launched theaters that aims to build up the sense of immersion. It will be the best place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s a place to experience art in a way that makes you feel connected to nature and to the world around you.

    Forest Theater

    Performing is not simply limited to the stage but to the very realm of nature world wherin one's imagination can be broaded as much as the human nature can be librated. The Forest Theater is one of the recently launched theaters for this year's edition and it offers a unique and immersive experience which combines the natural beauty of the forest with the art of theater. Using light and sound, the theater creators create a magical world that immerses the audience in the beauty of nature. 

    Art Center Round Theater

    Inspired by nature, the Aranya Art Center Round Theater was designed to bring the audience closer to the performers, creating an intimate and immersive experience. The circular design is inspired by the cycle of life and creates a sense of community and connection between the performers and the audience.

    Rehearsing Space

    Rehearsal space is the incubator for theatrical performances. The final result of each act is always the outcome of countless rounds of rehearsals. In such a space where daily life is ritualized in a comparably chill manner, artists can explore new ideas and experiment with form and content.

    Library Theater

    The Lonely Library is a sacred space in the hearts of those who visit it. It is a destination in itself, and the journey to reach it is part of the theatrical experience. The audience walks along the beach, slowly approaching the library, and immersing themselves in its beauty.

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