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As the core section of the Public Arts Program, the Seaside Dialogues encourages the exchange of ideas while welcoming new possibilities and artistic expression. It is a space for the professionals and audience to come together and share their experiences, thoughts, and ideas. Seaside Dialogues focuses on social issues by probing directly into what we are facing nowadays in our reality. The theme "Howls and Whispers" aims to evoke the depth and complexities of emotions. Such a thematic concept is, therefore, further disassembled into three individual sections that include "Theater Performing", "To Create", and "Art Communication". Under such topics, participants will be sharing personal experiences and responding to conflicts brewing in this current era.

Moderators: Luyu Chen,Yue Zhang

Guests: Philip Tinari, Li Hu, Zhang Yang, Li Jianjun, Yang Ting, Ding Yiteng, Yong Mei, Chen Minghao, Yuan Quan, Meng Jinghui, Satoshi Miyagi, Sebastian Kaiser,Benedict Radcliffe,Chris Labrooy

Seaside Screening explores the boundaries and intersections between theater and film. This is a unique opportunity for the two art forms to come together and create new and innovative expressions. The Public Art Program embodies this spirit of exploration and experimentation, encouraging artists to push the boundaries of their craft. During the Aranya Theater Festival, we will collaborate with New Live to showcase films of diverse genres. Our screening venues include the Seaside Screening area on the northern beachside of the Lonely Library, Cinema 5 at the Aranya Cinema, and the screening area in front of the Seaside Concert Hall titled “Seaside Pavilion”. With its diversity, this curation aims to fully meet the audiovisual demands of those who come to Aranya.

The Seaside Bonfire installation piece is designed by the Migratory Birds artists. As participants surround the flickering flames of the Seaside Bonfire, they are enveloped in a divine moment of awe and wonder. The fire serves as a reminder of humanity's ancient connection to nature, and its transformative power. The sea, sand, wind, and fire all come together in a spectacular display, creating a beautiful and harmonious collaboration. The participants are immersed in a surreal and unforgettable experience.

The Aranya Theater Festival is an immersive experience that brings together the best of art and culture. It is an opportunity to explore new connections and interactions and to appreciate the unique artistic expression that is on display. The Public Arts Program offers a variety of sections such as Seaside Dialogues, Seaside Workshops, Seaside Screenings, Seaside Theater Parades & Seaside Bonfires, and the Young Director Summit. Through these experiences, we gain a deeper understanding of the world we live in and the connections between theater and contemporary life.

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