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- 涅瓦
《涅瓦》是智利剧作家吉列尔莫·卡尔德隆在2005年创作的剧本。剧情以一条流经俄罗斯圣彼得堡的河流为背景。在1905年的俄罗斯帝国首都,被称为“血腥星期日”的1月9日,当天抗议者向沙皇递交请愿书要求改善工厂工作条件,却遭到帝国卫队的枪击。故事正发生在一家剧院内,原本计划排练《樱桃园》的一名男演员和两名女演员意外成为了大屠杀的避难者,这场屠杀随后引发了国家的革命。剧中一名被困剧院的女演员是德国的奥尔加·尼佩尔,她是莫斯科艺术剧院的首席女演员,也是俄罗斯剧作家安东·契诃夫的妻子。在丈夫因肺结核去世六个月后,奥尔加无法继续表演,在城市外部崩溃的情况下,她鼓励玛莎和亚列科与她一起重演契诃夫的死亡。 NEVA is a play written in 2005 by Chilean playwright Guillermo Calderón. It refers to the Neva River, a river that flows through the city of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Calderón's play takes place in the then capital of the Russian Empire, on a day in 1905. On January 9, 1905, the day that became known as Bloody Sunday, when protesters who marched to deliver a petition to the Tsar, asking for better working conditions in the factories, were shot by the Imperial Guard. The action of NEVA, however, takes place inside a theatre, where an actor and two actresses who were going to meet to rehearse "The Cherry Orchard", end up, somewhat unintentionally, taking shelter from the massacre that takes place in the streets and which will be the trigger for the revolution that will take place later in the country. One of the actresses locked inside the theatre is German Olga Knipper, the first actress at the famous Moscow Art Theatre who was married to Russian playwright Anton Chekhov. Feeling unable to act, after her husband's death from tuberculosis six months ago, and in an attempt to keep on living while the city collapses outside, Olga encourages Masha and Aleko to repeatedly reenact Chekhov's death with her. 涅瓦 NEVA 上一个 下一个 CAST 演职人员 导演 Paulo De Moraes 06/21 - 06/23 75分钟 办公室剧场 购票链接 INFO & CREDITS 演出信息 演出单位:巴西仓库剧团 Troupe: Armazém Companhia de Teatro (Armazém Theatre Company) 演出日期: Performance Date: 2024/6/21: 16:00 2024/6/22: 16:00 2024/6/23: 16:00 演出地点: 办公室剧场 Venue: Office Theater 演出时长:75 分钟 Performance duration: 75 minutes 导演 Director: Paulo de Moraes 演员 Cast: Patrícia Selonk (Olga) Isabel Pacheco (Masha) and Felipe Bustamante (Aleko) 艺术合作 Artistic Collaboration: Jopa Moraes 灯光设计 Lighting Design: Maneco Quinderé 音乐 Music: Ricco Viana 服装设计 Costume Design: Carol Lobato 场景构建 Scenic Installation: Paulo de Moraes “莫斯科艺术剧院”模型 'Moscow Art Theatre' Model: Carla Berri 剧照 Photo: Mauro Kury 巡演经理 Touring Team: Jopa Moraes and Lorena Lima 制作 Production: Armazém Companhia de Teatro
- 夜色温柔
夜色温柔,她刚从情人的家里出来,还未从销魂荡魄中平息下来,就遇到了一个奇怪女人的威胁和敲诈。这种危险绝妙地绷紧着她的神经。夜间激情似火,白天冷若冰霜,使她陷入迷惘。在玻璃的后面,有人在暗中窥探她的一举一动,白昼和黑夜,现实和虚幻,热烈和冷淡,矫饰和纯真,两个旋律交替出现。当温柔的夜色变成刺眼的强光,一座红色的房子露出了自己的真实面貌,琴声幽幽,心跳依旧。该剧改编自茨威格经典小说《恐惧》,由孟京辉导演,是独角戏女王黄湘丽“茨威格三部曲”的最终篇。 After a passionate night at her lover's, she faces extortion from a mysterious woman, escalating her tension. Caught between the heat of passion and daytime's cold, she's watched secretly, blending reality with illusion and warmth with detachment. As the night's softness turns stark, the truth of a red house is unveiled, still echoing with piano sounds and heartbeats. Adapted from Stefan Zweig's classic novel "Fear", directed by Meng Jinghui, this production starring Huang Xiangli as the "Queen of Monodrama" concludes her "Zweig Trilogy." 夜色温柔 TENDER NIGHT 上一个 下一个 CAST 演职人员 导演 孟京辉 06/25 - 06/29 75分钟 红房子剧场 购票链接 INFO & CREDITS 演出信息 演出单位:孟京辉戏剧工作室 Troupe: MENG Theatre Studio 演出日期: Performance Date: 2024/6/25: 22:15 2024/6/26: 22:15 2024/6/27: 22:15 2024/6/28: 22:15 2024/6/29: 22:15 演出地点:红房子剧场 Venue: Red House Theater 演出时长:75 分钟 Performance duration: 75 minutes 原著:斯蒂芬·茨威格 导演:孟京辉 主演:黄湘丽 灯光设计:陈楠 音响设计:华山 作曲:华山、王闯 服装/造型设计:于磊 影像设计:陈旭人人 现场摄影:陈旭人人 导演助理:李华一 舞美总监:于磊 舞美总监助理:贾玉莹 舞美技术:张明帅、张坚 灯光:王育好 音响:于飞、刘倍宁 多媒体:李震宇 服装:李迎新 化妆:罗圆 执行制作:张琪 创意摄影:美国队长 制作总监:文荣华 制作统筹:曹上 宣传总监:王好 宣传:苗丹、贺嘟、王芷淳 海报设计:王艺学 Original Author: Stefan Zweig Director: Meng Jinghui Starring: Huang Xiangli Lighting Designer: Chen Nan Audio Designer: Hua Shan Composers: Hua Shan, Wang Bao Costume/Styling Designer: Yu Lei Video Designer: Chen Xu Renren Live Photographer: Chen Xu Renren Director‘s Assistant: Li Huayi Scenography Director: Yu Lei Assistant Choreographer: Jia Yuying Scenic Technicians: Zhang Mingshuai, Zhang Jian Lighting Technician: Wang Yuhao Audio Technicians: Yu Fei, Liu Beining Multimedia Technician: Li Zhenyu Costume Operator: Li Yingxin Make-up Artist: Luo Yuan Executive Producer: Zhang Qi Photographer: Mei Guo Dui Zhang Production Director: Wen Ronghua Production Coordinator: Cao Shang Publicity Director: Wang Hao Publicity Coordinators: Miao Dan, He Du, Wang Zhichun Poster Designer: Wang Yixue
- 鸟
两个厌倦了城邦生活的雅典人和一群鸟一起在天和地之间建立了一个“云中鹁鸪国”。这个国家是一个理想的社会,其中没有贫富之分,没有剥削,劳动是生存的唯一条件。这部喜剧是欧洲文学史上最早描写理想社会的作品。并对后世的喜剧创作产生了重要的影响。阿里斯托芬因此被誉为“喜剧之父” Two Athenians, tired of city life, convince the birds to create a great city in the sky, an ideal society between heaven and earth. This utopia has no rich or poor, no exploitation, and survival depends solely on labor. This comedy, one of the earliest in European literature to depict an ideal society, significantly influenced later works. Aristophanes, the author, is thus hailed as the "Father of Comedy." 原著:阿里斯托芬 Originally written by Aristophanes 导演:虓汉 Directed by Xiao Han 演员:仇晗菲、孙诗杭、沈雨蓓、王敬涵、杨鸣豫 Cast: Qiu Hanfei, Sun Shihang, Shen Yubei, Wang Jinghan, Yang Mingyu 06/26-06/27 50分钟 儿童农庄 鸟 The Birds 06/26-06/27 50分钟 儿童农庄 购票链接 CAST 演职人员 导演 虓汉 剧作家 上一个 下一个 INFO 演出信息 演出地点:儿童农庄 Location: Childrens Farm 演出日期: Performance Dates: 2024/06/26: 10:00 2024/06/27: 10:00 2024/06/27: 17:00 演出时长: 50 分钟 Performance duration: 50 minutes
- K之机器
一个城堡下面的村庄,准备进入城堡。他自称是城堡聘请来的土地测量员,却拿不出任何证明。他寄宿在村庄里,用尽心机,费劲努力,想要进入城堡。本次演出将由人工智能工具续写《城堡》的结局。 Das Schloß (The Castle) is an unfinished novel by Franz Kafka. The protagonist, K., arrives in a village governed by a mysterious bureaucracy operating from a nearby castle. Heclaimstobealandsurveyorsummoned by the castle authorities, though he has no proof. Boarding in the village, K. expends great effort to gain access to the castle. This performance will continue the story, with an ending generated by an artificial intelligence. 编剧:弗兰茨·卡夫卡 Screenplay by Franz Kafka 导演:沈巍 Director: Shen Wei 演员 :刘馨悦、李焙、郑雨希、吴若晗 Cast : Liu Xinyue, Li Puru, Zheng Yuxi, Wu Ruohan 制作人:吴若晗 Producer: Wu Ruohan 06/28-06/29 45分钟 DDC车库排练厅停车场 K之机器 ie K-Maschine 06/28-06/29 45分钟 DDC车库排练厅停车场 购票链接 CAST 演职人员 导演 沈巍 剧作家 弗兰茨·卡夫卡 上一个 下一个 INFO 演出信息 演出地点:DDC车库排练厅停车场 Location: The Parking Lot at DDC Garage Rehearsal Room 演出日期: Performance Dates: 2024/06/28: 13:30 2024/06/29: 13:30 2024/06/29: 16:30 演出时长:45 分钟 Performance duration: 45 mins
- 希波吕托斯
欧里庇得斯是古希腊三大悲剧作家中的最后一位。本次朗读用现代的方式对古代悲剧进行了另一种解读,用一个全新的视角对欧里庇得斯的野蛮世界进行了深入探讨。 卡特琳娜·伊万杰拉托斯是雅典戏剧节的舞台导演和艺术总监,她对于欧里庇得斯《希波吕托斯》的现代解读可以算作是对经典作品的一次激进尝试。该版剧目在2023年雅典戏剧节上由希腊国家剧院制作并出演。本次戏剧朗读的内容来自新版的《希波吕托斯》,体现出伊万杰拉托斯对于古代戏剧的持续研究。 本次戏剧朗读基于该剧的全新删节版,着重强调了演员之间的对话以及作曲家亚历山德罗斯·德拉科斯·克提斯塔基斯现场演奏的音乐。 The reading is a contemporary take on the ancient tragedy proposing a new perspective that delves into the savage world of Euripides, the last of classical Athens’s three great tragic dramatists. Evangelatos’s own modern version of Euripides’s Hippolytus is an example of a radical approach to the classics. Katerina Evangelatos, stage director and Artistic Director of the Athens Epidaurus Festival, initially staged a full-scale production of the play produced by the National Theatre of Greece as part of the Athens Epidaurus Festival 2023. This performance reading is a new version of the play with which Evangelatos continues her research on ancient drama. The performance reading is a new abridged version of the play focusing on the dialogue between the actors and the live music performed by the composer, Alexandros Drakos Ktistakis. 剧构:欧里庇得斯 Playwright: Evangelatos 导演:卡特琳娜·伊万杰拉托斯 Director: Katerina Evangelatos 演员: 奥雷斯蒂斯·查尔基亚斯、玛丽亚·斯库拉、埃琳娜·托帕利杜、吉安尼斯·措尔特基斯 Cast: Orestis Chalkias, Maria Skoula, Elena Topalidou, Giannis Tsortekis 06/27-06/29 60分钟 阿那亚礼堂 希波吕托斯 Hippolytus 06/27-06/29 60分钟 阿那亚礼堂 购票链接 CAST 演职人员 导演 卡特琳娜·伊万杰拉托斯 剧作家 欧里庇得斯 上一个 下一个 INFO 演出信息 演出地点:阿那亚礼堂 Venue: Aranya Community Hall 演出日期: Performance Dates: 2024/06/27: 17:30 2024/06/28: 17:30 2024/06/29: 17:30 演出时长: 60 分钟 Performance duration: 60 mins
- 鸡鸣早看天
以铜为鉴,可整衣冠; 以古为鉴,可知兴替。 — 中国成语 Taking copper as a guide, one can adjust one's clothes and crown; Taking history as a lesson, we can know the rise and fall Chinese idioms 原著/编剧: 洪深 Screenplay by Hong Shen 导演:苏小刚 Director: Su Xiaogang 文学顾问:赵宁宇 Literary Adviser: Zhao Ningyu 演员:孙承钢、章斌、田哈拿、赵柳童、牛惠萤 Cast: Sun Chenggang, Zhang Bin, Tian Hanna, Zhao Liutong, Niu Huiying 音乐:周格非 、梁晓雪 Music: Zhou Gefei, Liang Xiaoxue 制作:梅笑寒 Production: Mei Xiaohan 歌者:常佳宁 Singer: Chang Jianing 06/22-06/24 50分钟 海边灯光足球场 鸡鸣早看天 The cockcrow after victory 06/22-06/24 50分钟 海边灯光足球场 购票链接 CAST 演职人员 剧作家 苏小刚 上一个 下一个 INFO 演出信息 演出地点:海边灯光足球场 Location: Seaside Lit Soccer Field 演出日期: Performance Dates: 2024/06/22: 18:00 2024/06/23: 18:00 2024/06/24: 18:00 演出时长: 50 分钟 Performance duration: 50 minutes
- 女仆
《女仆》是法国作家让•热内的一部戏剧作品,写了两个对女主人心怀怨恨的女仆姐妹,经常背着女主人做主仆游戏,有一次居然弄假成真,扮演仆人的姐姐用一杯毒茶,毒死了扮演女主人的妹妹… The Maids by French writer Jean Genet tells the story of two maid sisters who harbor a grudge against their mistress. They often play a master-servant game behind her back. One day, the game turns deadly serious when the older sister, playing the servant, poisons her younger sister, who is playing the mistress, with a cup of poisoned tea. 编剧:让•热内 Screenplay by Elfriede Jelinek 导演:王颖 Director: Wang Ying 演员:魏嘉、王颖、张晗、孙荣璟 Cast: Wei Jia, Wang Ying, Zhang Han, Sun Rongjing 06/26 50分钟 斫琴茶室 女仆 Death and the Maiden 06/26 50分钟 斫琴茶室 购票链接 CAST 演职人员 导演 王颖 剧作家 让 • 热内 上一个 下一个 INFO 演出信息 演出地点:斫琴茶室 Venue: Qin Crafting Teahouse 演出日期: Performance Dates: 2023/06/26: 10:00 2023/06/26: 17:00 演出时长: 50 分钟 Performance duration: 50 minutes
- 犀牛
《犀牛》是剧作家尤金·尤涅斯库于1959年创作的一部戏剧作品。主要写人在物的绝对统治之下,丧失人格,异化为犀牛。作品围绕小公务员贝兰吉的一场荒诞奇遇展开。他对生活不满,对未来感到茫然,时常有一种莫名其妙的恐惧感、孤独感,但能保持独立人格。犀牛刚刚在生活中出现,人们深为惊讶,或高谈阔论,或漠然置之。一旦演变犀牛成风,追随者又络绎不绝。这种异常的突变反而使贝兰吉头脑清醒起来,他一边挣扎,一边反抗,决不随波逐流。 Rhinoceros is a play by playwright Eugène Ionesco, written in 1959. It mainly describes how people lose their personalities and degenerate into rhinoceroses under the absolute dominance of objects. When rhinoceroses first appear in life, people are deeply surprised and either talk about it endlessly or ignore it indifferently. Once the trend of rhinoceros-worship becomes popular, followers come in droves. This abnormal mutation actually makes Berenger become more clear-headed. He struggles andresists, refusing to go with the flow. 编剧: 尤金·尤涅斯库 Screenplay by Eugène Ionesco 导演:韩叙 Directed by Han Xu 演员:韩叙、彭楼、魏嘉、王颖 Cast: Han Xu, Peng Lou, Wei Jia, Wang Ying 06/28-06/29 60分钟 北岸-壹集 犀牛 Rhinoceros 06/28-06/29 60分钟 北岸-壹集 购票链接 CAST 演职人员 导演 孟京辉 剧作家 上一个 下一个 INFO 演出信息 演出地点:北岸-壹集 Location: North Coast-Yiji Collection 演出日期: Performance Dates: 2024/06/28: 14:00 2024/06/29: 14:00 演出时长:60 分钟 Performance duration: 60 mins
百老汇经典爱情音乐剧《I LOVE YOU ...》颠覆传统音乐剧形式,充满浪漫色彩而又轻松欢快,由16个时尚而贴近大众的情景片段组成;全剧仅由钢琴和小提琴伴奏,两男两女四位演员分饰多角共同演绎,用最生活化的方式与观众一同探讨了爱情、婚姻等人生主题。该剧也是美国外百老汇连续演出时间最长的小剧场音乐剧,曾被翻译为14种语言,在全球400多个城市热演超过5000场,并荣获“百老汇外围剧评人奖”杰出音乐剧提名奖,“纽约戏剧委员会奖”最佳时事音乐剧奖。 The Broadway classic romance musical "I LOVE YOU ..." revolutionizes the traditional musical form, infusing it with a romantic yet light-hearted vibe. It consists of 16 fashionable and relatable scenes, accompanied solely by piano and violin. Four performers—two men and two women—play multiple roles, exploring themes like love and marriage in a down-to-earth manner with the audience. This play holds the record for the longest-running Off-Broadway musical in a small theater in the USA. It has been translated into 14 languages, performed in over 400 cities worldwide with more than 5,000 shows, and has received nominations for the "Outer Critics Circle Award" for Outstanding Musical and the " Drama Desk Award" for Best Musical. I LOVE YOU... I LOVE YOU... 上一个 下一个 CAST 演职人员 导演 周小倩 06/28 - 06/30 125分钟 马场 购票链接 INFO & CREDITS 演出信息 演出单位:上海话剧艺术中心 Troupe: Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre 演出日期: Performance Date: 2024/6/28: 19:30 2024/6/29: 14:00 2024/6/29: 22:00 2024/6/30: 14:00 演出地点:马场 Venue: MA Theater 演出时长:125 分钟 Performance duration: 125 minutes 制作出品:上海话剧艺术中心、百老汇亚洲公司 出品人:张惠庆 总监制:田水 艺术总监:喻荣军 联合监制:何念 制作人:刘雷、俞晓 原著/歌词:乔•迪皮尔特欧 Joe DiPietro [美国] 音乐:杰米•罗伯茨 Jimmy Roberts [美国] James Hammerstein, Bernie Kukoff和Jonathan Pollard 于纽约首创 原创导演:乔伊•比肖夫 Joel Bishoff [美国] 原创制作公司:American Stage Company 执行制作人:詹姆斯•阿尔戈利斯James N. Vagias [美国] 翻译、改编:喻荣军 导演:周小倩 复排导演:付仲豪 音乐总监:姜清华 编舞 : 张恩淑 舞美设计:朱雨双 灯光设计:冯彦臣 服化设计:冷佳 道具设计:刘毅 音效设计:王轶轩 技术设计:赵明 舞台监督:王飞 服化操作:陆爱莉 装置:黄才君、贺正玉 灯光技术:姚国宇 音响:吴沈华 舞美经理:孙俏懿 演员经理:俞晓、董青青 宣传经理:张芊 主演:王天择、徐奕然、钱安琪、陈姝月 钢琴:姜清华 小提琴:欧阳朵朵 Production Company: Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre, Broadway Asia Presenter: Zhang Huiqing Supervising Producer: Tian Shui Artistic Director: Yu Rongjun Co-Producer: He Nian Producers: Liu Lei, Yu Xiao Original Story/Lyrics: Joe DiPietro [USA] Musicians: Jamie Roberts [USA] James Hammerstein, Bernie Kukoff and Jonathan Pollard First Created in New York City Original Director: Joel Bishoff [USA] Original Production Company: American Stage Company Executive Producers: James N. Vagias, James Argolis [USA] Translator and Adaptor: Yu Rongjun Director: Zhou Xiaoqian Revival Director: Fu Zhonghao Music Director: Jiang Qinghua Choreographer: Zhang Enshu Scenic Designer: Zhu Yushuang Lighting Designer: Feng Yanchen Costume Designer: Leng Jia Props Designer: Liu Yi Sound Designer: Wang Yixuan Technical Designer: Zhao Ming Stage Manager: Wang Fei Costume Operator: Lu Aili Stage Machinery Technicians: Huang Caijun, He Zhengyu Lighting Technician: Yao Guoyu Audio Technician: Wu Shenhua Stage Manager: Sun Xiaoyi Casting Managers: Yu Xiao, Dong Qingqing Publicity Manager: Zhang Qian Starring: Wang Tianze, Xu Yiran, Qian Anqi, Chen Shuyue Piano Performer: Jiang Qinghua Violin Performer: Ouyang Duoduo
- 枪,谎言和玫瑰
《枪,谎言和玫瑰》根据二十世纪俄罗斯剧作家艾德曼·尼古拉·罗伯尔托维奇的经典戏剧《自杀者》意向进行创意改编。讲述了一个荒诞幽默的畸形故事:一个人因无所事事追赶蚊子至精神崩溃,赌气说了一句“我要自杀!”结果激起了整座城市的勃勃野心。各界人士纷至沓来向他进行愚蠢的威逼利诱,投机、阴谋、企图相互交织着,一场闹剧就此开始,但究竟为谁而死,一切早已无法挽回…… The Suicide is a creative adaptation of the classic Russian play "The Suicide" by Edman Nikolai Robertovich. The play humorously tells the story of a man who, out of idleness, declares he wants to commit suicide after a bout of frustration with mosquitoes, sparking a flurry of ambitious schemes across the city. Various characters, driven by greed and conspiracy, rush to manipulate him, spiraling into a farcical showdown. Yet, as the chaos unfolds, the question remains: for whom is he dying, when everything is beyond repair? 枪,谎言和玫瑰 The Suicide 上一个 下一个 CAST 演职人员 导演 孟京辉 06/21 - 06/24 120分钟 酒神剧场 购票链接 INFO & CREDITS 演出信息 演出单位:孟京辉戏剧工作室 Troupe: MENG Theatre Studio 演出日期: Performance Date: 2024/6/21: 19:30 2024/6/22: 19:30 2024/6/23: 22:00 2024/6/24: 19:30 演出地点:酒神剧场 Venue: Theater Dionysus 演出时长:120 分钟 Performance duration: 120 minutes 编剧:艾德曼·尼古拉·罗伯尔托维奇 导演:孟京辉 舞美设计:张武、刘博 灯光设计:王琦 音响设计:张欣男 多媒体设计:张松 舞台总监/服装设计:于磊 化妆设计:刘煜 主演:张弌铖、刘爽、李静怡、吕京、罗欢、李智浩、郭炳琨、张功长、田雨、陈育新 舞台监督:吴坡坡 舞台总监助理/多媒体:贾玉莹 灯光:陈楠、李政 音响:于飞、黄泽龙、李金羽 舞台技术:张涛涛、刘建豪 多媒体:张明帅、李震宇 化妆:郭雅、罗圆 服装:钱露 制作:施润 导演助理:李华一 创意摄影:美国队长 Playwright: Erdman Nikolai Robertovich Director: Meng Jinghui Choreographer: Zhang Wu, Liu Bo Lighting Designer: Wang Qi Audio Designer: Zhang Xinnan Multimedia Designer: Zhang Song Stage Director/Costume Designer: Yu Lei Make-up Designer: Liu Yu Starring: Zhang Yixing, Liu Shuang, Li Jingyi, Lv Jing, Luo Huan, Li Zhihao, Guo Bingkun, Zhang Gongchang, Tian Yu, Chen Yuxin Stage Manager: Wu Po Po Multimedia/Assistant Stage Manager: Jia Yuying Lighting Technicans: Chen Nan, Li Zheng Audio Technicans: Yu Fei, Huang Zelong, Li Jinyu Stage Technicans: Zhang Tao Tao, Liu Jian Hao Multimedia Operator: Zhang Mingshuai, Li Zhenyu Makeup Artist: Guo Ya, Luo Yuan Costume Manager: Qian Lu Production: Shi Run Director‘s Assistant: Li Huayi Photographer: Mei Guo Dui Zhang
- 婚姻生活
几个生活的场面,几段貌似悠然的生活对话,却让我们见证了这一对,朋友们眼中的恩爱夫妻的婚姻生活从山峰跌至谷底的过程。二人的原有的生活彻底崩塌,甚至连他们的精神状态也似山崖上的独枝,飘摇不定。剧中人在泥潭中不能自拔,旁观者似乎也随着二人越陷越深…… A few snapshots of daily life and seemingly casual conversations unveil the tragic descent of a once-admired couple's marriage from its peak to rock bottom. Their previously stable life collapses entirely, leaving their mental states teetering on the edge of a precipice. The protagonists find themselves ensnared in a mire from which they cannot escape, pulling the observers down with them into the depths of their despair. 编剧:英格玛-伯格曼(瑞典) Playwright: Ingmar Bergman (Sweden) 导演:杜翊 Director: Du Yi 演员:姚晨、杜翊 Cast: Yao Chen, Du Yi 06/22 50分钟 生活健身房 婚姻生活 Scenes from a Marriage 06/22 50分钟 生活健身房 购票链接 CAST 演职人员 导演 杜翊 剧作家 英格玛-伯格曼 上一个 下一个 INFO 演出信息 演出地点:生活健身房 Location: Life Plaza Gym 演出日期: Performance Dates: 2024/06/22: 10:00 2024/06/22: 14:00 演出时长: 60 分钟 Performance duration: 60 minutes
- 国王之谜
《国王之谜》是根据意大利诗人巴希尔的一则寓言改编而成,故事以一位国王为中心展开,他在狩猎归来时遭遇了一场突发的尴尬场面,引发了一连串令人啼笑皆非的事件。国王的身体被一只误认为他已死的鸡所寄居——它爬进了国王的内脏,并在他的肠道中定居。这只神奇的鸡吞食了国王所进食的一切,每天使他产下金蛋。国王精疲力竭,决定绝食致死,但却遭到了整个朝廷的反对,而国王的家人和宫廷则对此展开了各种欲望和权谋的争夺。《国王之谜》巧妙融合了喜剧、滑稽戏和悲剧的元素,同时汲取了巴洛克式诗歌富于意趣的风格,将观众带入一个离奇的世界。 Re Chicchinella is adapted from a fable by the Italian poet Basile. The story revolves around a king who, upon returning from a hunting trip, encounters an unexpected and embarrassing situation, leading to a series of comical events. The king's body becomes inhabited by a chicken mistakenly believed to be dead—it crawls into his intestines and takes up residence there. This magical creature consumes everything the king eats, causing him to lay golden eggs every day. Exhausted and determined to fast to death, the king faces opposition from his entire court, while his family and courtiers engage in various desires and power struggles. Re Chicchinella cleverly blends elements of comedy, farce, and tragedy, while also incorporating the whimsical style of Baroque poetry, transporting the audience into a bizarre world. 国王之谜 Re Chicchinella 上一个 下一个 CAST 演职人员 导演 Emma Dante 06/27 - 06/30 65分钟 A剧场 购票链接 INFO & CREDITS 演出信息 演出单位:米兰短笛剧院 Troupe: Milan Piccolo Teatro 演出日期: Performance Date: 2024/6/27: 14:30 2024/6/28: 22:00 2024/6/29: 22:00 2024/6/30: 14:30 演出地点:A剧场 Venue: A Theater 演出时长:65 分钟 Performance duration: 65 minutes 编剧及导演 Playwright & Director: Emma Dante 舞台及服装设计 Scenic and Costume elements: Emma Dante 灯光 Lighting: Cristian Zucaro 服装助理 Costume assistant: Sabrina Vicari 演员 Cast: Angelica Bifano, Viola Carinci, Davide Celona, Roberto Galbo, Enrico Lodovisi, Yannick Lomboto, Carmine Maringola, Davide Mazzella, Simone Mazzella, Annamaria Palomba, Samuel Salamone, Stephanie Taillandier, Marta Zollet 巡演技术 Tour technician: Marco D’amelio 组织 Organization: Daniela Gusmano 联合制作: Co-production: Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d'Europa, Atto Unico / Compagnia Sud Costa Occidentale, Teatro di Napoli - Teatro Nazionale, Teatro Stabile del Veneto - Teatro Nazionale, Carnezzeria, Célestins Théâtre de Lyon, Châteauvallon-Liberté Scène Nationale, Cité du Théâtre - Domaine d'O - Montpellier / Printemps des Comédiens 协调和分发 Coordination and distribution: Aldo Miguel Grompone